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Showing 5 special needs caregivers

Tiffanyprofile T., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 5 years paid experience

Tiffanyprofile T.

  • 5 years paid experience
  • Chicago, IL
  • 25 miles
4.3 stars


Tiffanyprofile T., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 5 years paid experience
Explain a little about yourself, including your past babysitting experience, training, and certifications Explain a little about yourself, including your past babysitting experience, training, and...
Given F., Babysitter in Lincolnwood, IL with 11 years paid experience

Given F.

  • 11 years paid experience
  • Lincolnwood, IL
  • 21 miles
Given F., Babysitter in Lincolnwood, IL with 11 years paid experience
Deb testing Match Now's the time to show off your personality! Tell families a bit about yourself, why you love being a sitter and what sets you apart. (Note: your profile will be public, so don't...
Given F., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 10 years paid experience

Given F.

  • 10 years paid experience
  • Chicago, IL
  • 25 miles
5.0 stars


Given F., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 10 years paid experience
Explain a little about yourself, including your past babysitting experience, training, and certifications.Explain a little about yourself, including your past babysitting experience, training, and...
Sarah N., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 3 years paid experience

Sarah N.

  • 3 years paid experience
  • Chicago, IL
  • 25 miles
3.8 stars


Sarah N., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 3 years paid experience
test test test Now's the time to show off your personality! Tell families a bit about yourself, why you love being a sitter and what sets you apart. (Note: your profile will be public, so don't share...
Tiffpethousekeeping N., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 5 years paid experience

Tiffpethousekeeping N.

  • 5 years paid experience
  • Chicago, IL
  • 25 miles
3.7 stars


Tiffpethousekeeping N., Babysitter in Chicago, IL with 5 years paid experience
Explain a little about yourself, including your past babysitting experience, training, and certifications. Explain a little about yourself, including your past babysitting experience, training, and...
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