2 Special Needs Jobs Found
- $20/hr
- Chicago, IL • 4 miles away
test. care companion job
- 1 child
- Babysitting
On an as-needed basis
test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job test. care companion job... More
- $10/hr
- Chicago, IL • 12 miles away
Description Title01
- 1 child
- Babysitting
On an as-needed basis
Not sure what to say to special needs caregivers?
Write a specific title that sums up what you need.
Provide more detail in your description:
Details about the kids: ages, specific needs, etc.
All job duties: transportation, homework help, etc.
Requirements: CPR, First Aid, etc