Posted by Supravi R. on 1/15/2025
- $15.00 per hour
rovide more detail in your description:
Details about the kids: ages, specific needs, etc.
All job duties: transportation, homework help, etc.
Requirements: CPR, First Aid, etc.rovide more detail in your description:
Details about the kids: ages, specific needs, etc.
All job duties: transportation, homework help, etc.
Requirements: CPR, First Aid, etc.rovide more detail in your description:
Details about the kids: ages, specific needs, etc.
All job duties: transportation, homework help, etc.
Requirements: CPR, First Aid, etc.
Additional Details
- Number of special needs care recipients: Three care recipients
- Number of siblings that also need care: Two Children
Age Groups
- Infant
- Toddler
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Juvenile Diabetes
Services Needed
- Bathing
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